laws of social media

The law of listening

You have to go through the online content of your target audience and join discussions in order to learn about their interests. This will enable you to spark conversations and create content for adding value instead of adding clutter to their lives.

The law of quality

Quality is always going to trump quantity. Yes, the numbers may look impressive. After all, who doesn’t want 10,000 connections? But, the fact is that these are going to connect with you just one time and may not show up again. It is better to have 1000 connections who share, read and talk about your content with others.

The law of focus

When you have a highly focused content and social media marketing strategy, you will be able to create brand awareness and have a better chance at success as opposed to a broad strategy.

The law of patience

You should remember that social media marketing success is not going to happen overnight. A commitment for the long haul is required for this purpose and you have to be patient in order to achieve your desired results.

The law of influence

Devote some time to find online influencers in your niche who have quality audiences that fall in your target market.

The law of compounding

When you publish quality and amazing content for building your online audience of loyal and quality followers, they will also share it with their own circle. This discussion and sharing will open up new entry points for search engines to locate your content in keyword searches and this opens up hundreds of ways for people to find you online.

The law of value

Your job is to add value to the conversation, which means focusing less on conversions and more on developing spectacular content and strong relationships with your customers. In time, they will become a major catalyst for word-of-mouth marketing.

Original Source:

Understanding the Fundamental Laws of Social Media Marketing