by Feed 140 | Dec 8, 2015 | Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing has been used by various businesses. Large corporations are using it to open a new line of communication with their target audience. It also facilitates the building of a relationship with your peers within the industry. Most of all, your...
by Feed 140 | Dec 7, 2015 | Social Media Marketing
With all the different social media platforms out there that are available for business owners to use, “Where do I start?” is a common question. Most businesses and nonprofits understand the value of using social media to reach customers, but have to realize that all...
by Feed 140 | Dec 5, 2015 | Social Media Marketing
Some people seem to have a never-ending supply of creative, out-of-the-box ideas. They’re always coming up with new campaigns in meetings, delivering creatives that wow the entire office, and dreaming up innovative ways to reach the right audience. These people...
by Feed 140 | Dec 4, 2015 | Online marketing News
Some entrepreneurs forget that they need an innovative business model along with an innovative solution to have a successful startup. Inventors alone, or business gurus alone, generally fail. It really takes a complementary pair of founders to improve the odds. Here...
by Feed 140 | Dec 2, 2015 | Social Media Marketing
If you’re a startup, operating on a limited budget, it becomes essential to focus your marketing on low-budget marketing strategies that are proven to work. You need to make every penny count. Social media is essential to any new startup’s marketing plan because it...