Feed Gaming Allows Game within News Feed

News on Social Marketing, according to Facebook Developers, people can now try games directly in news feed. Feed gaming allows developers to share a version of their game within news feed and timeline stories through main distribution channels.

With just one click, you can incorporate a short sample of your game in the stories people share from your game that friends can play in line. People can try out the game without authorizing it first. However, personal information of the user won’t be given.

To increase engagement and drive acquisition, some games like Angry Birds and Bubble Witch Saga are already using feed gaming.

After finishing a feed game sessions, most games prompt players to install the app, switching trial players into new installs.

Some of the ways to engage users in feed gaming are through competing with friends and rewarding engagement. In Angry Birds, users challenge their friends to outdo their high score on a certain level. Bubble Witch Saga encourages people to play for bigger “coin” prizes and then click through to install the game and get their coins

Passing in a ref param when publishing the story will let Facebook begin tracking that story type in Insights for your app.

Read more at Play Games Directly in News Feed

YouTube thanks community on its 7th birthday

News on Social Marketing, according to YouTube Blog, YouTube was first introduced to the world in May 2005. YouTube’s 6th birthday last year was so special for it reached a record rate of 48 hours of video uploaded to the site every minute. This year, on its 7th birthday, is even more special for it has grown so fast that 72 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute or three days worth of video uploaded compared to last year’s two.

What started as a handful of videos shared among friends has changed into a global platform delivering the next generation of channels to everyone, everywhere, and on any device. YouTube bring more channels, while the site was redesigned to make it easier for users to watch and subscribe to the videos that you like. And 800 million of you all over the world have shown us we’re still growing rapidly by the 50% increase of subscription and watching over 3 billion hours a month.

You, the YouTube community have always been one solid support for the seven years of its success and with all the channels on YouTube featuring talented filmmakers, music and home videos.

Read more at It’s YouTube’s 7th birthday… and you’ve outdone yourselves, again

Merch Store assists Indie music in YouTube

News on Social Marketing, according to YouTube Creator Blog, YouTube has a lot of features to help turn your YouTube channel into your dream job. Last year we started the Merch Store, joining up with iTunes, Songkick, Amazon, Topspin, and Google Play to assist indie musicians on YouTube to promote licensed merchandise, concert tickets, and music downloads on their channels.

Starting today, the Merch Store will become accessible to all YouTube followers around the world, since selling merch isn’t just for musicians. CafePress has been added from the web for an even greater merch.

A new tab on their channel called “Store” will be seen on the next few months where you can choose your merch as a showcase to fans. You’ll need to have an account with every company and with just a click on a product will bring you to the site where it’s for sale.

Read more at YouTube Merch Store for all partners, now with CafePress

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