Social Media Marketing Techniques

In marketing, you can be too social. Or not social enough. Or social where it doesn’t count — the digital equivalent of showing up at the wrong party. How to know if this applies to you? Here, three signs that you need to fix your strategy and where you need to double down.

1. You aren’t seeing any business results

“Results” can mean so many things — increasing brand awareness, building authority in your industry, boosting sales or conversions, giving your brand personality or servicing customers. There’s no way your social media presence will accomplish all those things at once, so focus on just one or two goals to start. Figure out what your top priority is, and then think about using social media more strategically to accomplish that goal.

2. You feel like you’re shouting into the ether

You may not be using the appropriate social networks. There’s no rule that you have to be on every platform, so pick the ones that match your audience. Check your website’s Google Analytics to see which networks are most robustly referring traffic.

3. Your followers rarely like, share or comment

Rather than being self-promotional, create value for your audience. Think about the ways your products or services can help people and the larger context in which your company operates. That’s what your customers want from you — and if you deliver, they’ll like it.

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3 Warning Signs That Your Social Media Marketing Techniques Aren’t Working