Social Media Tips=Suceess

Social Media Contents and Opinions

Article on the tweet below was written by Mike Volpe, Hubspot CMO.

According to Mike, the key to a successful social media strategy is to show, not tell.   He also stated that visual contents are meant to stay…..given the increased engagement of posts with images.    However, there are many businesses that are missing the importance of the audience’s experience, which comprises a big factor in higher engagement rate.   Always think like Google.

The size of profile pictures, cover photos, and embedded images varies from Twitter to Facebook to Google+ to LinkedIn.   So, you truly need to plan site developments and optimize your images differently for each social network.

I encourage you to read more about his post here:

Now, let us read what these 31 experts have to say as they give their tips for small businesses, regarding how to stand out in social media.

Social Media Tip Cards : Simple reminders for everyone 🙂

The Future of Social Media