data driven content marketing

It’s time for marketers to rely less on their gut instinct, when it comes to their content marketing strategies, and start relying on real data regarding customer conversations and needs. Here are some insights gleaned from this data-driven approach to content.

Let the Customer Dictate your Content Strategy

The key point to remember is that customer conversations are usually not focused around our brands, as much as we might wish they were. They’re about the customers’ needs and desires. Brands need to listen to the interest of the market and be poised to weigh in with solutions that are both authentic and credible. Only then do product features become relevant to consumers and welcome in their decision-making processes.

Be Present Throughout the Customer Journey

When approaching content marketing in a data-driven capacity, the full marketing funnel – from awareness to conversion – is relevant. Brands must understand what people are discussing and reacting to at both the macro and micro level, from the high-level conversations revealing challenges that require solutions, down to the preferred place and method by which people would like to purchase such solutions. Such an understanding provides the brands with the insights they need to provide meaningful content at both the top and bottom of the marketing funnel.

Stop Chasing Viral Fads

Many brands focus their attention on spotting and pouncing on the latest fad to sweep YouTube or other social platforms. And, while a temporary bump in traffic and attention always feels good, those types of superficial wins aren’t what drive a sustainable brand. The kind of success that matters is only achieved via a consistent, well-thought-out strategy based on a great understanding of the dialogue in the marketplace. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Read the full article for more content marketing advice:

How to Generate More Leads with Data-Driven Content Marketing