A decrease on Facebooks tab clicks with Timeline’s roll out

News on Facebook Marketing, according to Brafton News, since the introduction of Timeline, PageLever observed less engagement which resulted to a decrease of 53% fewer clicks to tabs by social marketers. Marketers use tabs to attract users to different elements of their Facebook marketing campaign and to help organize their social content.

This decline on Facebook tab clicks should not be perceived as unfavorable to their social media marketing as PageLever believes its data indicates a change in the best methods for driving engagement, clicks and other activity. With Timeline, the overall brand engagement has increased and data by Simply Measured indicates that businesses saw 46% more engagement within the first month of its roll out.

With so much more visual content on the page, clicks on custom tabs have been seeing a decrease. Users are looking more at the Timeline and content within it than in other elements of Facebook Page, thus, changing the way they interact with content on the site.

Other features such as Sponsored Stories and Sponsored Posts have been developed by Facebook to allow marketers to highlight their content in the users’ news feeds to direct them to their websites or their Facebook Pages. Its objective is to make it easier for marketers to succeed with Timeline.

Read more at Study finds custom Facebook tab engagement down 53 percent, shared content driving more traffic

Study shows incorporating Social Media improves customer service

News on Social Marketing, according to Brafton News, according to a study by thinkJar and Sword Ciboodle, the use of Facebook, Twitter and other platforms will most likely benefit customer service as 60% of companies in the U.S. and the U.K. are using social to develop this area.

The study shows 60% of respondents address feedback and answer questions from customers using Facebook and Twitter and 85% of companies use at least one of the two.

With social media, large companies are able to lessen the burden on their call centers committed to customer service with 40% saying that they have been using social media marketing for at least two years and 53% saying they have applied it in the last two years.

Due to social media’s increasing popularity among consumers and other businesses, marketers are moving toward social client support. But still, many companies are lagging in social strategies.

A study by Brafton reveals that an increase conversion by as much as 400% is experienced by companies with social media marketing campaigns. By incorporating social into its overall customer engagement practices, companies will be successful in their customer service program.

Read more at 60 percent of businesses say social media marketing improves customer service

Starting your Facebook campaign from scratch with Timeline

News on Facebook Marketing, according to Brafton News, marketing is changing with the growing popularity of social media. With more than 900 million users worldwide, Facebook is the most popular social and social marketing platform on the web.

With the roll out of Timeline, your Facebook marketing efforts can now be changed into a solid, revenue-driven campaign strategy. Timeline can be used to better showcase your brand. Companies are now saying that their engagement increased with the launch of Timeline.

Updating your page with convincing, fresh content several times a week and providing value to your target audience with content that enriches the brand experience and educates the consumer helps fans to follow your brand on Facebook. Sharing a broad selection of content on your wall will engage different types of users and will prevent having boring contents.

To attract more people to interact on your wall, the visual appeal of Timeline should be considered. Timeline features like Milestones can help better showcase things on your wall by highlighting important company events while telling a story about your brand.

With the roll out of Timeline, photos and videos are now more popular on Facebook and get fan feedback on your products and services by using Facebook questions.

Increase engagement can be built by having Timeline on your Facebook.

Read more at Your Facebook Marketing Guide Part 1: Acing the basics with Timeline

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