Secret Boards Help Keep Track of Holiday Gifts

News on Pinterest Marketing, according to Pinterest Blog: secret boards, one of the most frequently-requested features are now being tested in time for the holidays which is use to keep track of holiday gifts, plan a special event, or work on a project you aren’t yet ready to disclosed.

To create a secret board from the web, just click Create a Secret Board found at the bottom of your profile. Also, by clicking Add+ on the top right-hand corner of Pinterest, you’ll be able to select Create Board and turn the Secret button to On.

While with the use of your mobile device, simply download the latest version of Pinterest for iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet. Then, go to your profile, tap on the Boards tab, and scroll down to the bottom until you see a button that says Create a Secret Board.

Adding a pin to a secret board, won’t show up on Pinterest but can only be viewed on your secret board. Existing boards are no longer secret especially when others have already repinned from your board.

Secret boards are now being added to the policy, wherein the overall language of the policy is simplified and more examples are provided.

Read more at Announcing Secret Boards for the Holidays!

Tools For Online Safety and Security

News on Google Marketing, according to Google : since the importance of online safety and security is being valued, we built tools like comment moderation ( and hangout controls ( into Google+ to get rid of bad behavior, always working out to do better. The rolling out of new controls ensures people to look out for each other in our community.

Reporting content in the stream

The availability of more options when reporting bad posts, comments, profiles or photos would mean misconduct can be dealt with more quickly, and abuse can be prevented from happening again.

Reporting people in public hangouts

When ignoring someone in a hangout, we immediately mute their audio and video to keep you safe. Now when you report someone in a public hangout, we’ll also automatically record a small snippet and notify the room. We can then check for bad behavior—and once we’ve done that we’ll delete the clip.

With the improvements, and your help, let’s continue to make Google+ a secure and inspiring place to spend time. We’re extending our gratitude to the millions of community members worldwide.

Read more at Keeping the community safe and secure

Poynter Study: How Tablet Influences the Way We Read

News on Social Marketing, according to Marketing Pilgrim : “Poynter EyeTrack: The Tablet,” a study conducted by Poynter Institute to distinguish how our reading habits change to meet digital requirements.

According to Poynter Institute, the form and function of a tablet influence the way we read. Though magazines and books are mostly vertical, 70% preferred to read with the tablet in the horizontal position.

The preference for landscape mode indicates a big shift for content providers and web designers since we’ve been trained to think in “portrait” mode; top to bottom. Poynter discovered that people subtly, but constantly kept touching the screen to move the content up into the line of vision instead of moving their eyes down the page.

The study showed that people wanted to touch often, even if they didn’t have to in order to consume the material.

The study shows the relationship between the number of options and the completion of one. Fifty percent of readers preferred the carousel, 15% chose the flipboard. With only 35% gravitated toward the front page scheme that most content producers use.

The study found that the average bail out point on a tablet story is 78.3 seconds. Poynter’s suggestion to keep people engaged is to add a “gold coin” at the bail out point, some kind of a link, graphic or interactive element that will reengage both the mind and the finger.

Read more at Poynter Study Shows How We Interact with Tablet Content

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