Hopping onto the bandwagon of social media can actually help authors stand out from the rest.   Benefits include greater recognition, online market exposure and a larger social media following.  Authors who embrace social media might also learn some valuable marketing techniques of other successful online marketers.

The fact is there are many great books out there for us to discover.   Thanks to social media, there are more and more authors that are getting on board.    Being visible through different online channels allows authors to meet readers, cultivate an audience and increase the marketability of their books……and ultimately become more successful !

 Read ROI in Social Media.

It’s time to bridge the gap between authors and readers through social media

“People are so passionate about books, comics and movies,” says Northcott. “When you connect with them on their level and they know you’re legitimate, they respect you a lot more. Social media facilitates the ‘secret handshake’ where you get into the club, and people know you’re one of them.”  Mashable

Sell Books With Social Media

Sell Books with social media_The AIDA rule


The Creative Penn teaches authors to use the marketing principle AIDA.

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

Paulo Coelho, one of the most widely read authors in the world today, shares 6 secrets to mastering social media.

Twitter:      9.3M Followers
Facebook: 21M Likes
G+:               1.7M Followers


To add…
Here is a list of general advice for writers looking to market themselves and their work via social media, promotion and platform, by The Write Life.