Social Marketing Buzz 12-14-2012

Study Shows Mobile Opens in Tablets Nearly Doubled Last Year News on Social Marketing, according to Marketing Pilgrim: A recent study by Knotice shows that for the past years, a significant rise of mobile opens has been noticed and has almost equaled desktop opens....

Social Marketing Buzz 12-13-2012

Facebook Introduces New Feature for Users Hosting Similar Events News on Facebook Marketing, according to Inside Facebook: This week, a new feature for events that allows users to quickly create a similar event as one they previously hosted or attended was introduced...

Social Marketing Buzz 12-12-2012

Photo Sync Feature Uploads and Stores Users Photos for Quick Sharing News on Facebook Marketing, according to Inside Facebook: Facebook’s photo sync feature has been officially announced today. This new feature uploads and stores a user’s mobile photos in a private...

Social Marketing Buzz 12-11-2012

Four Types and Steps of Online Personalization News on Social Marketing, according to Top Rank Blog : Companies that are personalizing online experience are more likely to help customers decide on making a purchase. However, if many people can find your content...