iPhone5 Increases Apple’s Share of Mobile Web Traffic

News on Social Marketing, according to Tech Crunch: with the introduction of the iPhone 5 and the shipping of the 4th generation iPod touch, Apple’s share of mobile web traffic goes up by 5.96% between the month of September and October. Research firm Chitika saw Apple controlling the traffic advertising network with 65.38% and share dropped pretty evenly among other manufacturers with Samsung giving up the most ground.

Samsung have the largest growth of any individual manufacturer in September while Apple had previously lost share during that same period, going from 65.03% to 59.42% of all traffic measured. Between September and October, the highest growth besides Apple is RIM, gaining 1.29% with the increased PlayBook browsing.

Additional gains for Google are seen by Chitika with the introduction of the Nexus 7 updated devices and Nexus 10. Also seen to make a significant impact are the iPad mini and iPad 4th generation, especially now that they will be available on stores in November 2.

Except for the plunge of shares in September and a sharp increase in October, Apple has been staying relatively stable in terms of share over the past year. However, things could change considerably once an entirely new iOS-powered device enters the scene.

Read more at Apple’s North American Mobile Web Traffic Surges Following iPhone 5 Launch

Smartphone Is Active 24/7, Tablet Usage Rises at Night

News on Social Marketing, according to Marketing Charts: the latest report from Jumptap MobileSTAT shows that consumers use smartphones steadily throughout the day and tablet use increases significantly at night. The study shows that iPhone and iPad have below-hourly-average use from 8 AM to noon, although iPhone use during those hours is much closer to the average. A 52% above average is registered by iPhone between 8PM and midnight but iPad use up a massive 87%.

In October, a study by Flurry shows the same trend. Using smartphone and tablet application usage as a measure, it shows that between 8AM and 7PM, smartphone app usage is fairly steady between 4% and 6.5% of the smartphone user base. Tablet use is pretty flat, between 4% and 5% until 4pm. However, in the 9PM hour, tablet use peaks at about 8.25% while smartphone use also increases but below 7%.

Based on the apps that consumers use, tablets are more clearly a leisure-time platform than are smartphones with tablet users spending more time using media and entertainment apps, including games (67% of time spent), entertainment (9%) and news (2%). Communication and task-oriented app usage are used by most smartphone users including social networking (24%), utilities (17%), health & fitness (3%) and lifestyle (3%).

The study shows that smartphones are used more on the go than the tablets. A study by AOL and BBDO found that 68% of consumer mobile phone use occurs in the home.

Read more at Smartphones Work Round The Clock, Tablets Come Out At Night

Facebook Posts Acquire Half Their Reach in Just 30 Minutes Post-Publication

News on Facebook Marketing, according to Marketing Charts: a study by Socialbakers shows that in the 30 minutes after it is published, a Facebook brand post will get half of its reach. Analyzing a select group of brand posts published on October 31st, Socialbakers found that in just the first 10 minutes after publication, an average of one-third of post reach was acquired. The study shows that after the first half of reach is acquired in the 30 minutes post-publication, the rest is obtained in the next seven hours.

Data’s of the study shows that when posts gets one-third of their total reach after the first 10 minutes, then a vivid drop-off in share occurs. In the 11-20 minute period after publication, posts reached an estimated additional 13.2% of their total audience while just another 4.7% of their total audience is reached in the following 10-minute period. Less than 2% of its total audience will be reached by the average post after 90 minutes has passed.

According to a GetResponse study released in October, this drop-off is even more pronounced than email opens where some 23.6% of email opens happens within the first hour after delivery. A Facebook post would have already got to 60% of its total audience by that time. The significance of timing these messages and posts becomes pronounced when considering the share of opens and reach happening instantly after delivery.

Read more at Facebook Posts Get Half Their Reach Within 30 Minutes of Being Published

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iPhone5, Apple, Chitika, Samsung, PlayBook, Nexus 7, Jumptap MobileSTAT, Flurry, AOL and BBDO, Socialbakers, Facebook, GetResponse,