by Feed 140 | Oct 23, 2014 | Social Marketing Buzz
Social media marketing is all the rage these days, but as trendy as it has become, many more have yet to understand or realize what it really is. For some, it can be a bit overwhelming to say the very least, most especially if you’re not even familiar with...
by Feed 140 | Oct 22, 2014 | General, Tweets
Who are some of your favorite people to follow on Twitter ? Everyone adores lovable celebrities, but not every celebrity is lovable. One trait I believe that makes it easier to follow in some celebrities is how they choose to stay humble. Oftentimes, celebrity...
by Feed 140 | Oct 21, 2014 | Social Marketing Buzz
Getting started in a business can be a very daunting task……..all the more so if it’s in the foreign territory that is called social media marketing. When people say social media marketing, one’s first response is to think of computers and...
by Feed 140 | Oct 17, 2014 | General
With the recent news in the field of writing, the Nobel Prize in Literature, the most coveted award for any writer of any era, has just been awarded last week. For this week’s Follow Friday, let’s look into some of the contenders of the most culturally relevant...
by Feed 140 | Oct 16, 2014 | Social Marketing Buzz, Training
Social media is a rising trend in the advancement of great technology and cyber societies all over the world. As such, social media marketing has become the real thing as entrepreneurs in both big and small businesses pool resources for a go at one of the biggest...